Thing #3 Grab yourself a blog in 3 steps

Now that you’ve done some exploring of this website and understand how the program works, it’s time to setup your own personal blog and begin recording your thoughts, discoveries and exercises.

We recommend that you use Blogger*, a popular free online blog hosting service that is extremely easy to use. It's also the program this blog is created on!

Creating a blog using Blogger takes just three steps:

  1. Create an account (view screenshot)

  2. Name your blog (view screenshot)

  3. Select your template. (view screenshot)

Once you’ve created your blog here are two important things to know:

  • To view your blog: Your blog address is http://(xxxx), (xxxx)=the unique identifier you entered in Step 2.

Check out Google's video on starting a blog for a quick visual example:

OK -- Now, it’s your turn...

Discovery Exercise:

  1. Setup a blog for yourself through Blogger.

  2. Add a test post or two. Use one of your test posts to create an entry about the habits among the 7 and 1/2 lifelong learning habits that is easiest and hardest for you & why.

  3. Send an email to the SAPL 23 Things Team and tell us your name and the address to your blog. We will not publish names publicly - you can choose whether or not to identify yourself in your own blog.

  4. Have fun!!!!

IMPORTANT NOTE: How you choose to identify yourself on your blog is your choice. You can blog under a screen name, anonymously or as yourself.

* Use of Blogger is only a recommendation. If there is another blog hosting site that you are more comfortable with, please feel free to use it. Just let us know at the email address above.

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