With the possibility of a new MP3 player right around the corner, it’s time to take a look at the downloadable items available at SAPL. We have contracts with both Overdrive and NetLibrary to provide our patrons with e-Books, audiobooks, movies and even music to download onto their computer.
- is the sole source for Recorded Books, a big name in the audiobooks world.
- has the Pimsleur language learning products downloadable online.
- allows unlimited checkouts per copy on all items SAPL currently owns.
- is a well-known product from a well-known name (OCLC).
- is very user friendly and has become the innovation leader in downloadables for libraries.
- has movies and music as well as eBooks and audiobooks.
- has a very large selection of publishers and titles to choose from.
- allows many iPod-friendly downloads. (update: NetLibrary to also offer this beginning January 2009)
For this discovery exercise, we'd just like you to explore the interface of either NetLibrary or Overdrive. Choose one to play around with and blog about it. What do you think makes it easy and difficult to use? What kind of patrons do you think will use the service?
Discovery Resources:
NetLibrary Demos. NetLibrary has created several demos to help you get started with their various kinds of content.
- Note: The "Media Center" demo is not yet live, because the "Media Center" is an upcoming upgrade to NetLibrary. Look for an email regarding that upgrade soon.
Overdrive's Tour. Overdrive also walks you step-by-step through gettings started with their content.
Discovery Exercise:
- Watch one or both the tours above and select one of the platforms to explore.
- Browse and Search for different subjects or titles that interest you.
- Checkout and download an item from one of the services. (Note: Because ITSD prohibit software downloads, if doing this from a staff or public library terminal, you will have to either use Netlibrary or explore e-books only in Overdrive)
- Create a blog post about your findings.
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